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Decathlon consulting - Network



International Network

Through our Network we develop know-how and share tools. We also collaborate to international research projects in order to offer customers advanced solutions.

* Since 2014 Decathlon Consulting is Country Partner of IWD (European Institute for Workplace Dynamics, France).

IWD is a leading company in the field of training, coaching and certification, very well know in Europe because of the uniqueness of tools and solutions they offer within a larger international network.

IWD nowadays is the unique company developing interventions aimed at reinforcing Resilience at Work, developing Conflict Management Competence, and enhancing and cultivating Entrepreneurial Mindset.

These three pillars are the "winning formula" for Performance on one hand and Well-Being on the other hand.

Through the collaboration with IWD, Decathlon Consulting accomplishes coaching and trainin interventions addressed to managers, entrepreneurs and companies. We use exclusively specific assessment tools (RAW: Resistance at Work; CDP: Conflict Dynamics Profile; EMP: Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile). These tools have totally changed our offer to clients and positioned our company in a niche sector where we are pioneering. .

* Decathlon Consulting-Human Qualities is the exclusive Italian professional reference of RHR International Inc. since 2006. RHR has been operating from 60 years in the field of Leadership Assessment and Coaching, Talent Deveopment, Leadership Transition and CEO Succession. 

RHR methodology has no equal in that field; we are able to serve clients internationally no matter of geography, language and culture.

Our target are Executives, C-Level, Board Teams.

Key points of our Leadership Development interventions are:

  • Link to strategic intent and business imperatives;
  • Develop the assessments activities starting form the POS (Profile of Success);
  • Make psychological and behavioral profile to the individual and/or to the company;
  • Coaching activity are following a Development Plan which has is source in the assessment activities;
  • We are promoting "momentum of change" inside out through reflection and dialogue with clients;
  • We provide confidential and professional feedbback and promote support to actions at a team and organization level (HR, Boss of the coachee).

* From Celemi, Decathlon Consulting-Human Qualities derives original tool for management training through Business Simulations. (Business giocando).

Celemi Business Simulations have the benefit to be amazingly effective from the learning point of view, as they make easy those concepts and business contents which are usually hard to be understooden by those who are not experienced or specialists (economics, project management, people management and talent development, strategic decision-making). People enjoy their learning experience and develop new insights and competence.

* Decathlon Consulting-Human Qualities has being collaborating with the Creative Problem Solving Group since 1994 on the Creative Climate topic and for the application of Creative Problem Solving Tools (CPS tools). 

-The (SOQ: Situational Outlook Questionnaire) is the method to assess Creative Climate, that is the blend of perceptions which are the team drivers to change and productivity. The SOQ (Situational Outlook Questionnaire) is the tool which allows to measure climate and position individuals, teams, and organizations along the Stagnation-Change Continuum in accordance with the nine strategic dimensions. The SOQ has been validated into Italian and is used by Decathlon Consulting under specific licence in a variety of business and organizational domains, always offering powerful insights on team dynamics and change priorities.

-Creative Problem Solving Tool and Techniques are applied from Decathlon Consulting with training and consultancy purpose. CPS techniques are powerful tool to facilitate individual and group creativity when problems need a new and shared solution getting out from more logically structured processes. Managers and their group learn to discuss in a more open and creative way common problems or special issues and can outline strategies, ideas/solutions or plans.

* We have a very long history of collaboartion with the Occupational Research Centre (KAI Centre), directed by M.J. Kirton. Guido Prato Previde has carried out the Italian research with the validation of the KAI (Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory), the scientific tool which defines cognitive differebnces when problem solving and decision making (Adaptors and Innovators). KAI is today a unique research based tool which enables us to get an individual and team psychological profile on which develop preference, coping behavior and team integration. The management of style differences can be essential to make the best use of competence... 

We have been using the KAI largely for many years to train individuals and teams to develop their creative potential and manage others attitudes when leading transformations.


Decathlon Consulting di Guido Prato Previde - Cascina Carazzina, Via Carazzina - Tangenziale Sud - 26900 Lodi
tel. +39 348 2605889 - - P.IVA 10668390965