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  About Us
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  Guido Prato Previde - On Resilience, Conflict and Entrepreneurial Mindset  

As a background, I am a Medical Doctor and a clinical Psychologist.
I joined into the new world of organization consultancy and training immediately after University, and there I had to learn daily and quickly to grow my knowledge and practice from clients and colleagues. The rest was from studying and training abroad in the network.
When a person or a leader is calling you, they want some advice to have a better understanding on how to make the best use of their qualities at the present or for future.
The same is when you consult to groups.
Having worked at Decathlon Consulting for more than 20 years in 10 different countries/cultures and with a variety of people, I have seen that crafting solutions is the winning formula for working with demanding customers. Professional photography and traveling have well educated my curiosity to explore novelty and the capability to “take pictures” focussing on the meaningful situation you have to work on (with your client).
In my experience, almost the 80 % of our activities are mainly in one (or more) of the following domains:

1. Training to reinforce competence and develop new soft skills and new mindsets to surf changes.
2. Coaching executives or key people to develop/accelerate effectiveness into their (new) roles or when facing disruptive transitions.
3. Team Interventions: a number of activities, mainly making people feel more engaged and accountable, and able to communicating constructively and co-operating when problem solving and delivering.

Why should anyone ask our advice or support?
Through the collaboration with the European Institute of Workplace Dynamics (IWD), whom we are Country Partner, we have expanded our expertise since 2015. We have now new models and unique tools enabling us to provide a more complete service and new solutions to our clients needs.

A) Resilience
People or groups who have to cultivate their resilience in turbulent and rough times. We have a well-researched method from Australian Psychologist Kathryn McEwen and a complete toolkit (RAW: Resilience at Work) to help leader groups and organizations.
B) Conflict Competence
People or groups who need to improve dialogue through constructive communication and become competent in conflict resolution. We have a well-researched method and a complete toolkit (CDP: Conflict Dynamics Profile) to support individual and group conflict competence.
C) Entrapreneurial Mindset and Agility
Finally, people or organizations who need to explore and leverage on entrepreneurial (or intrapreneurial) mindset (EMP) to become agile, adaptable and generating value.

If you are willing to know more about our solutions on Resilience, Conflict Competence and Entrepreneurial Mindset issues,
Please contact me and I will be happy to have a conversation with you and discuss potential applications in your case/context.

NOTE: We have the authority to train and certify those professional who are entitled to use the tools (professional coaches, organization psychologists, hr people from company).

Thank You,
Guido Prato Previde



Decathlon Consulting di Guido Prato Previde - Cascina Carazzina, Via Carazzina - Tangenziale Sud - 26900 Lodi
tel. +39 348 2605889 - - P.IVA 10668390965