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Decathlon consulting - Servizi
  All solutions
  For the individual
  For the organization
  Conflict, Resilience at work and Entrepreneurship

For the group


Board & Management Teams effectiveness

Boards are crucial for debate and good decision making. We all know decision may appear having been taken on a consensus base, while discussion has been poor!

This undercuts alignment and action taking; morever this disables trust and the qualty of communication.

We do facilitate discussions and help teams to work efficiently and effectively together.

This is carried out by short and ad-hoc intervention of process consultation or, conversely, through a more articulated process including more than one meeting and if necessary teambuilding activities (Board e Management team).

We have the method, the experience and the professional standing to seat in most difficult situation where climate is "hot" (or "cold") and the probability of escalation because of personality or culture clashes is high.


Teambuilding & Teamdevelopment

We support leaders and their teams to overcome successfully difficult issues in times of change: a new leader is coming in, new strategy or organization challenges to face, the integration of two different groups which have to work effectively together. Otherwise, the start up of a project team has to be sustained...

We design the intervention on the base of a team assessment, which is carried out with the leader, the team and eventually with internal clients.

Assessment is done through interviews, focus group or test/questionnares (example: KAI, Belbin, CDP, SOQ for climate).

Teambuilding and team development activities consist of a variety of active methods, included outdoor training activities or business simulations.

The duration of these interventions and their form are very different in accordance with needs and constraints.

Teambuilding and teamdevelopment activities do:

  • refresh individual motivation and the ingroup perception
  • promote alignment towards novelty
  • unlock negative interpersonal climates
  • clarify roles and expectations
  • boost committment towards standard and duties
  • build resilient teams

Sometimes teambuilding or teamdevelopment interventions are a wider process than a one or two day workshop and may include:

  • coaching to the leader
  • training to the group
  • coaching to group key players
  • assistance and coaching to project teams or subteams.

The follow-up allows to measure results both tangible and intangible (objective are agreed and shared before the intervention and after the survey).


Coaching Project Teams

In these cases we support teams and their leaders when they need the maximum of debate and the maximum of alignment (that is teamwork) towards specific and challenging short-term tasks in contexts where speed is a key context factor.

These interventions are generally articulated into 3 to 5 mini workshops of the duration of 2-4 hours accurately designed.

These workshop have both sides: on one side training activities on the job, while process consultation on the other side.

From workshops can stem further activities supporting through individual coaching people who need guidance to improve their fit or their performance.


Facilitating and Process Consultation

These are a bulk of interventions which are aimed at integrating people views and perspectives about challenges, opportunities and solutions.

These meetings promote dialogue and debate on stratgic interbnal/external issues ancd concerns which are limiting performance and/or interpersonal communication.

As based on facilitation, our job is to offer method and a process to get the conversation flow productively and in a focused way. i di facilitazione efficace.

The most frequent outcomes of these interventions are:

  • Identifying challenges and opportunities 
  • Sharing problems and solutions
  • Developing action plans
  • Mediating and solving conflicts


Creative Problem Solving Facilitation

We are able and have the right experience to design and facilitate creative meetings for our customers.

These meetings are animated by consultants who are qualified at using the tools and techniques learnt by the Creative Problem Solving Group.

The duration and the form of these creative intervenions varies in accordance with the complexity and the scope.

We have realized these interventions to help clients to: 

  • outline new business scenarios
  • identify and share problems and creative solutions
  • invent new product, services, processes
  • boost creative ideas and support climate for change

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Decathlon Consulting di Guido Prato Previde - Cascina Carazzina, Via Carazzina - Tangenziale Sud - 26900 Lodi
tel. +39 348 2605889 - - P.IVA 10668390965