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Decathlon consulting - Servizi
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  For the group
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  Conflict, Resilience at work and Entrepreneurship

For the individual


Coaching for Results

Individual Coaching interventions are aimed at supporting professionals and managers who have to reinforce their leadership and performance into their role, within the team and throughout the organization.

At times, these key people need to accelerate dramaticaly their efficacy and integration into new roles which are strategic and particularly challenging and request new attitudes and behaviors.

Our suggested process is:

  • Individual Assessment against the "winning formula" profile;
  • Feedback Report (PDG: Personal Development Guide  containing the Profile and Developmental Suggestions);
  • Leadership Development Plan by the coachee containing 1-2 short-term measurable objectives and concrete actions;
  • 3-way meeting with coachee's Manager and HR to share and validate the Plan;
  • Coaching sessions focused on the ahievement of specific shared results (performance and individual effectiveness)
  • 3-way check meeting to evaluate concrete results.

The assessment activities may be based on narrative interview plus test, or the whole process is starting from a 360° assessment.

The duration of the intervention is generally about 4 months. We have successfully experienced fast track coaching interventions, provided that the development ojectives are clear and agreed.

We usually suggest 2 to 6 sessions which are lasting 2 hours and are carried out every two weeks.

Coaching sessions as are strongly based on awareness and behavioral improvements are conducted by our business psychologists wha have a sound experience in business coaching and the ability to customized interventions within the overall strategic frame

The process is focused, practical and confidential.


Career Counseling

Career Counseling interventions are aimed at supporting people who are living transition phases or difficulties at the workplace and need to reinforce self-esteem and proactive perspective towards present and future issues.

Through Career Counseling clients find the room to reflect and analyze their life/work situation and generally are able to find ways of solutions which are tangible and satisfying. Through a trusted relationship with an external professional consultant, the client regenerate his/her energy and confidence in taking decisions on his/her own. 

Our interventions are always based on a previous diagnostic phase to identify needs and motives. Counseling sessions varies form 3 to 5 after the assessment phase.

Clients are personally supported by psychologists or professional counselors who have the appropriate background and method to manage productively the delicate relationship.


Vocational Counseling

The choices of the course of study and the first steps into the world of work are crucial  in influencing personal development and guide subsequent career decisions.

Vocational Counseling is aimed at exploring and developing people potential and qualities. Particularly, we have the experience and the method to offer a varied number of interventions for different stages of like/work and different needs.

Vocational Counseling interventions are related to the choice of students' studies (High School or University) or, conversely, are helping candidates to make decisions to get into a more suitable job.

Our Vocational guidance approach is characterized by the evaluation of the needs and expectations of our clients and has a through individual assessment of the qualities and motivations aimed at enhancing the profile of the person. At the end of this process we share feedback with the client with a summary which contains the balance of personal and professional qualities and suggestions for future development choices.

The complexity of activities and the duration of the interventions may vary in accordance to client needs; we have the experience and the method to deal with young people seeking for school advice, and with adults who are eager to improve their job satisfaction.

Our staff of psychologists will be happy to welcome your requests!


Choosing your Course of Studies

These activities are addressed to students who are willing to receive help when having to decide their following pathway of studies in order to make a smart choice which is supported by external and professional judgement.

The process in this case is made by 2 or maximum 3 encounters of the duration of two hours.

  • Motivational interview plus psychological measures aimed at appreciating cognitive and personality qualities, interests and dispositions;
  • Individual feedback interview with the student to share and discuss results and possible implications;
  • Final interview with the student and his/her family to discuss the outcome and cooperative action.


Choosing the Univesity

This intervention is addressed to thos students of the High School who are facing the choice of the University's course of studies.

Our intervention is made by three encounters of the duration of average 2 hours:

  • Motivational Interview exploring life background, aspirations and motives;
  • Administering psychological tools (tests, questionnaires, personality and cognitive style inventories) aimed at highlighting their interests and dispositions;
  • Final interview with Feedback Report, sharing results, disussing implications and outlining possible choices.


Professional Guidance

This intervention is addressed to young people who have got their degree or Master and are looking for their first job. These people may benefit from external professional guidance towards job-related choices.

Our intervention is made by three encounters of the duration of average 2 hours:

  • Motivational Interview exploring life background, aspirations and motives;
  • Administering psychological tools (tests, questionnaires, personality and cognitive style inventories) aimed at highlighting their interests and dispositions;
  • Final interview with Feedback Report, sharing results, discussing implications and outlining possible choices.

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Decathlon Consulting di Guido Prato Previde - Cascina Carazzina, Via Carazzina - Tangenziale Sud - 26900 Lodi
tel. +39 348 2605889 - - P.IVA 10668390965